Sunday, September 12, 2010

My beloved Frenly

One day what you regret will eventually happen if you do not take heed the countless wisdom of the wise that have been repeating itself again and again.
Frenly my Basset hound, i did not neuter nor spay it. In fact i allowed him to run out of my house most of the time even without a license. How did i get so foolish? Partly is because my Taman or housing area is closely guarded and there is only one exist which is not the route that Frenly would take.
This situation allows me to have total freedom in the need to house train him for relieving himself since he will just go out and relieve himself and comes back, he will bark at the gate and we will open for him.

Unfortunately around Jan 2010, it never came back. It was caught by the dog catchers in ampang near Taman Kesuma and to cut the story short the "contractor vetfine" that is handling the case seems to have made a David copperfield stunt. An officer from MPAJ named Remi initially told me that the dog was dead when i went to look for it but when i lodged a complaint to the Head of the dept, he says he never did see the dog died and it was just hearsay from The "vetfine" contractors. Nevertheless the doctor in charge of "killing" dogs was contacted and he did not recall or "unable" to recall if there was ever a Basset hound sent to him.

I believe Frenly probably captured and sold to some backyard breeders or sold off since its a pedigree. This is Malaysia unfortunately, there isnt anything anyone can pursue if all parties don't bother owning up to the responsibility. Remi broke all the agreement and understanding between MPAJ and SPCA by not submitting the dog to SPCA of which owners like me could have paid the summons and get the dogs back and instead allowed VetFine or PetFine whatever those contractors are to be totally unaccountable for this matter.

What did the head of MPAJ for on his dept have to say? She handed me Vetfine number and ask us to "resolve it without both parties". How professional, i am supposed to argue and fight and sue Vetfine who is the appointed contractor for MPAJ? Ridiculous

During the course of this heart painful event, i was also given a number of a person, anthon or something his name, basically he is trying to be helpful but in a very intimidating way, nothing more than just Armchair directing that leads to nowhere. He re-count to me all the reasons why i shouldn't have a dog etc etc etc. Sigh, as if i don't feel totally remorse of the situation. Go tell a grieving mother of her son's death and blame her for it.

Today, i got myself a new dog. I promise i will make this dog a real house dog and let him live inside the house no matter how hard the training requires. This time i got my whole family to agree to which dog to choose.

Frenly, wherever you are, you will always be missed. God will bring you back or i will see you one day.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The story of Ah John

This blog is just a real story that is dedicated to Ah John, a stray dog that i have met by fate, cared for and will be missed for a long long time.

This story begins in Ampang. Typical of new housing area, many stray dogs find refuge here where humans are lesser in threat. With large compound to scavage for food left by indonesian workers, one can survive without getting the risk of having a brick thrown at it.

Ah John was such a dog that found solace in this new community. He was a middle size stray dog with a white tail and his overall makeover is like unto a fox. I have a dog called "Frenly", a basset hound that has very mild temperament (all basset does) and playful. Since there wasn't any friendly dogs around and the owner (me ;-)) didn't want another pet, Frenly has no matching companion. That was until he met Ah John ...

Yeah, i know that pedigree should not be allowed to mix with stray dogs, those problems with lice etc, but heck, you should see how these 2 met. Every morning Ah John will stride alongside the road where i took Frenly for a walk. Frenly would become very excited and walk towards Ah John, initially Ah John was cautious and quickly ran. It became evident later after i observed the dogs there that Ah John was always the lowest ranking in the pack, and subsequently the subject of harrassment from other dogs.

As days passes by, Ah John begin realize that Frenly was not like the other dogs and began to respond to his playful moves.

In better times, Ah John with Frenly

The two seems to enjoy playing with each other that every morning Ah John would purposely walk to come near my house and greet Frenly. Now, this stray dog, this unwanted Ah John as i called him (equivalent of John Doe for human) is a very smart dog with a humble attitude. When i pass him food from my hands, he would first tilt his head as though he was asking "whats is this?", and slowly he would walk over and gently move the food from the palm of my hand.

I have once brought Ah John back and tied him and gave him a bath and anti-lice spray. Surprisingly he was very submissive and only a display a slight panic when the cold pipe water soaked him. I did this so that he could have more freedom playing with Frenly without me worrying about the lice and dirt passing on.

So it was a real fun time for both of them back then.

Friendship forever - Ah John and Frenly

However, unlike fairy tales, the happiness didn't last long.

Ah John was a smart dog like i said, and he could jump swiftly from one house to another via any possible entry you can imagine. This of course was soon a problem as my neighbour had a bad design on his walls which allows a medium size dog like Ah John to jump in. Ah John would jump in from outside his house, and enter my car posh to play with Frenly.

I once saw him throwing a brick at Ah John because he says the dog left some foot prints at the walls that he jumps in. In order to save Ah Jon from a premature death, i have tried much to discourage Ah John from coming in. I have rotan him and he stays out, Duh, that dog still comes in when i was not around and like i said...he is one smart dog.

Occasionally the MPAJ will come in and tries to clear stray dogs from my area. But they will never be able to catch Ah John, he just knows where to hid and run. Unfortunately mosts dogs that MPAJ caught are domesticated dogs that are unlicensed and of which the owners are then required to pay a hefty "ransom" to get the dogs back..well rules are rules, u break u pay.

Ah John's last visit...

Now, the story takes a twist when Mr.X came along. Mr.X was the unofficial guard that the developers hired to guard this new housing area. He has many stray dogs with him in one of the appointed empty house which he use to provide as a guarding mechanism. He is particularly friendly with all stray dogs and he offers them food which he took from the nearby market. Ah John was no different, he trust Mr.X just like any other stray dog does.

One day the neighbour complained to Mr.X and Ah John soon was betrayed and tied up to a tree. I only found this out when i heard terrible cries at night from the nearby garden where Ah John was tied. A born free dog, tied and chained to be used as a guarding mechanism just doesn't fit Ah John. He would cry relentlessly.

The next morning i passed him by and you can see how excitedly he jumps and how heartbreaking was his plea when i move away from that tree. Frenly continues to visit Ah John every morning ...until one day...

Frenly's last visit to Ah John

Today, Ah John is nowhere to be found. Rumors have it that MPAJ found a stray dog that was tied to a tree and thought someone would redeem it. As weeks passed by, one can only imagine the happy thoughts that Ah John had when he thought of Frenly and the time he had here...before he was snuffed out of his life and everything dimmed with darkness.

Thus, end the Life of a stray dog, Ah John.

RIP - Feb 2007 - Oct 2007.

** Latest update 12-3-2008 : I found out Ah John died by hanging itself near the place where he was chained. This was relayed to me by a neighbour who buried him.